Men Made for More Podcast
Men Made for More Podcast
Adopting a Consistent Mindset with Matt Pack of Primal Fit Miami
Are you committing to the process? Is your mindset right? Will you evolve or dissolve? In today’s episode we talk with Matt Pack of Primal Fit Miami about adopting a consistent mindset, why less is more, how to take care of what’s going on outside the gym so much more!
If you want to get a hold of Matt, you can find him on Instagram @primalfitmiami his website https://www.primalfit360miami.com/, Youtube or Primal Fit Miami on Facebook. If you enjoyed this show, make sure to subscribe and please help us by leaving a 5 star review. Also, don’t hesitate to reach out on social media @iostrengthperformance, or better yet - tag me in a post with your favorite part of the show!
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Men Made For More Podcast Ep 63: Adopting a Consistent Mindset with Matt Pack of Primal Fit Miami
[00:00:00] Dave: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Men Made For More podcast, a show designed by men for men looking to get strong, feel confident, and live a high performing life. As men. We face many challenges as we try and strive for a better life. We want to live a meaningful and confident life. We don't know where to start. You've lost your physical and mental edge.
[00:00:18] It's keeping you from living out your full potential. You're tired of talking about doing big things and you're ready to start living it, but the men made for more podcasts. The goal is to teach you how to strengthen your body, your mind. And your purpose and your way to reaching your full potential.
[00:00:33] It's time to start living as a man. You know, you can be to help lift those up that matter the most in your life. Every week, we'll have a featured guest who will share valuable information and experience to give you actionable strategies. You can apply to live as a man you were made to go drawn or guests, knowledge and experience.
[00:00:49] More importantly, we will discuss how this applies to common challenges and struggles with being a man in today's world. Our goal is to not only build strong men physically. But to help coach and develop strong [00:01:00] friends, sons, brothers, fathers, business owners, and professionals in every area of your life.
[00:01:07] I'm your host, Dr. Dave Paczkowski, proud husband. business owner, physical therapist and strength coach with a passion for helping other men strengthen their body, their mind, and their purpose, wherever you're at on your journey. I'm excited to have you here with us today. Now let's dive in today's episode. The men made for more, I guess.
[00:01:27]Hey guys, welcome to today's show today's guest episode with Matt pack of primal fit Miami and a little bit about Matt since 1999. My guest Matt pack, the owner of primal fit. Miami has been accompanying others on their health and fitness journey and his undeniable passion for helping others has helped them grow not only as brick and mortar personal training business.
[00:01:51] But also his online coaching program, the primal fit pros and me and Matt have similar philosophies when it comes to our first [00:02:00] pillar, our first foundation being on mindset and how important mindset is to accomplish whatever goal you're after, whether that's. Fitness related health related or other things in life.
[00:02:11] And how, if you have that right mindset, then all the other pieces will fall into place. Whether you're following this diet or that one, this workout or that one, the mindset is the cornerstone for that. So listen up to some of the stuff from today. I'm talking about the importance of consistency over intensity.
[00:02:29] We talk about how you need to change your habits and change your environment and change your identity to reach on these new levels and be able to maintain that as well as so many other good things. We dive deep into the mindset side of things and just excited for you guys to listen. Now, this episode, There is some explicit language in there.
[00:02:49] So if you're listening, uh, just be aware of that. If you listened in the car with any kids or anything around and want to be aware of that before we jump in, but still a lot of great content involved [00:03:00] within the episode. So listen up today and let's get started.
[00:03:03]Matt welcome to the Men Made For More podca. Stoked to have you on here, man. I'm glad a former guest Ro Flores has got us connected and super stoked to hear more about your story. And I have you share your knowledge. So thanks for coming on.
[00:03:14] Matt: [00:03:14] Thanks for having me. I'm honored to be here. They grow is a, is a great guy. Um, you know, he was part of that at my first brick and mortar, our first gym ever in Miami and, um, music. He's a great guy.
[00:03:27] Dave: [00:03:27] Yeah, it was fun to have him on a couple of weeks back and want to pass it back to you though for kind of giving any listeners here, a, a brief overview of, you know, as much, or as little as you want to share about your story. Kind of both on the personal side of things and the professional side of things where you're at.
[00:03:40] Matt: [00:03:40] Yeah, exercise science background, um, moved to Miami from Washington, D C in 2004. Um, had a pretty big clientele when I was there while I was going to school at Marymount university. I sold my clientele too, which is, I think a funny, it kind of sounds funny when I tell that story, but I was like, man, I got a big clientele and I [00:04:00] got no job in Miami yet.
[00:04:01] I have no clients. So. I actually sold my clients through a friend of mine, another trainer at the gym I was at for $10,000 and he paid me a thousand dollars a month for 10 months while I was in Miami to go to my clientele's start over again. So. I've been doing this for almost 22 years and helping people change their mindset, their body composition, and get healthy right now, I have a 3000 square foot brick and mortar that I do.
[00:04:29] Small group, small group, personal training out of, uh, we have a virus going on out there. If you're not living under a rock, you who doesn't know about the virus. Uh, but, uh, yeah. So if things have been crazy at the gym now, but I'm kind of like, I always say evolve or dissolve, you know? So I went on the online space.
[00:04:50] I'm doing a lot more privates in my garage. I'm kind of all over the place. Kind of get creative right now.
[00:04:57] Dave: [00:04:57] Yeah, so, so cool to hear it. It's it's been such a tough [00:05:00] time for, I know gyms are hit hard. We, you know, we were hit early on with it and it's, you know, there's, there's definitely the two sides people though. It's some people, you know, take that and they. No, they crumble with it. They don't see it as an opportunity and other people it's like, I don't know how I'm going to figure this out, but if it's, if it's important, you continue to push forward.
[00:05:16] You try new things. We threw so many things at the wall. See what would stick when it started out. And it's a, you know, a good, a good personal growth journey. If anything, to, we learned a lot about modern and a lot about yourself. And, uh, I mean, this ties in perfectly with our topic here today. You and I both agree, you know, your number one, whereas mindset in the first foundation we talk about with our clients is mindset and so many, so many different diets out there.
[00:05:42] So many different workout programs, philosophies that people think if they find that next hack, that next magic bullet, that next secret, then they'll suddenly be able to get results. When. If your mindset isn't dialed in first and no perfect diet, no perfect workout program is gonna going to help you get there.
[00:05:58] And why? So [00:06:00] it's your first pillar? Why is, why is mindset so important to achieving any goal? And this could be health-related. This can be life related and what's the biggest mindset mistake. You tend to see people make.
[00:06:10] Matt: [00:06:10] Yeah. I mean, I think the first is probably not knowing exactly what you want and being, being, uh, super specific on the vision that you want to create for yourself. Um, and then, um, you know, making sure the goals and align with the action. You know, and I think a lot of times, um, they don't, a lot of times people have these, these, these expectations that are just too, too much.
[00:06:35] And this is one of the things that I always talk about. Like January 3rd, when somebody comes into my gym and they say, I'm ready. I want to go five days a week, six days a week. What do you got unlimited? What do you got unlimited? And I was like, hold on Lisa or Jim, hold on. Let me put my Sherlock Holmes hat on and get a little more information so I can help solve.
[00:06:58] When's the last time you worked out, it's been [00:07:00] high school since high school and high school. Gotcha. Or it could have been last January 3rd, right? That's kind of what happens. But bottom line is that, that they had these unrealistic expectations. There lawyers are stressed out until like three to three kids and just, they're going through a divorce.
[00:07:15] They're burning the candle at both ends and you're, they don't want to go for six, six days a week. So that's the fit professional's job to kind of say, Hey, let's start with two days. Let's start with two days because that, that pattern, mindset that all or nothing mindset it plagues are in this truth. It plagues our society because we want something yesterday.
[00:07:40] We want these, we want that new body. We want that a new purse or the new car or whatever you want. You want to yesterday. Nobody really wants to work for it. And in the weight loss world, you know, that's, that's kinda how it goes. Is these people have been fooled. By our industry, that the shiny objects of our industry and the [00:08:00] marketing of Instagram and the models, and they think they can drink a magic powder or potion or eat a particular food or eat a particular way or work out a certain amount of times.
[00:08:10] And they're going to get the body they want, where I think it comes down to having the right. Advice and finding the right professionals to help kind of narrow down the focus and say, Hey, less is more right. And I'd rather have you in here two days a week for a year, which is I think a hundred over a hundred sessions.
[00:08:30] If I can do my math on that with versus you and your five days a week or three weeks. No, so what's better, you know, I think we are, we know what consistency is, everything. And I, and as a business owner, I always try to, I say, listen, I want you to hear for five years. I don't want you here for three weeks.
[00:08:50] So my, my goal is to get in their head. And kind of see what they actually want and they come up with a plan of action. That's realistic for them. So [00:09:00] mindset's everything. And it's just because if you don't have your mind, right, you're not going to show up through the doors. You don't have your mind, right.
[00:09:05] You're not going to put the right food, your body and all of your mind, right. You're not going to sleep. Right. You don't have your mind. Right. You're going to make bad decisions, you know? So it's one of those things that it's, that's lacking. It's the missing link and, and reaching anything from health wealth.
[00:09:25] Dave: [00:09:25] Why do you, why do you find, why do you find so much resistance? Because I connect everything you say, why do we find so much resistance to telling people that they can actually do less and achieve more? If they can do the consistency of it? Is it, is it cause people, is it a discipline thing? Is it what's that CrossFit?
[00:09:45] Matt: [00:09:45] I blame, I blame everything on the vegans. And CrossFit. That's what I do. It's really, that's where I get. I'm just joking.
[00:09:54] Dave: [00:09:54] Easy place, easy place to point the finger. Right?
[00:09:56] Matt: [00:09:56] Yeah, no, in the cross it's done a lot of good too. I can, I can talk [00:10:00] good about CrossFit too, but I do think, um, I do think that it probably came in with that. The whole where people were like, I want to work out every day on limited out unlimited sessions, the bootcamp model, um, they came in cheap, low price, low barrier of entry into the gym, 50 people working on it at the same time, one coach, right?
[00:10:22] It's it's a great business model. And the majority of people. Are, you know, it's not, if you get injured, it's when you get injured and I'm not, once again, I'm not shitting on cost that it could be Barry's bootcamp. It could be soul cycle. It could be orange theory. It doesn't really matter, but the volume, the volume, the intensity.
[00:10:40] Um, so I, you know, I would say consistently over intensity, Or if we consistency over volume, right. So less is more. And I, and I really, I really truly believe that. And I'm a gym or, and I always have to go back to that, like, cause I have had people I've gotten flack from, I remember somebody kind of took a shot at me.
[00:11:00] [00:10:59] One time was a gym owner and he was saying, is he any consultation? He's always trying to get the biggest package for the person. Does it matter if they had worked out since high school, does it matter? Or if the would do with divorce and have three, three new kids and adults say you've been there, you know, burn the candle at both ends and you know, all that stuff that we would be like, all right, Hey, let's start with stretching and mobility and walking.
[00:11:24] How about that? You know, that's where I'm, I'm just conservative because like I said, it's not going to do like my goal. My job is to put them in a place of success. Like, how does that help them or my business? They're not coming back. Like I wish I could get that through trainers heads. Like if you injured my client, that's what I tell my coaches.
[00:11:46] I'm like, Oh, the mother fucker, I don't pay you. They pay you. So they leave here and they can't walk for five days. They're not coming back. They're just not, they're going to do the same thing they do ever. January 17th of January [00:12:00] 21st. And they're going to say, I knew it wasn't for me. I tried this last year.
[00:12:03] It's just not for me. No, it can be for you if you were treated properly and you were cut, had a customized program for your needs and your goals and your exercise level of your health history, you can be for you, but everybody wants to do too much too fast. And so that's where I differ with a gym owner.
[00:12:23] Who's just trying to get that one, the money once I want to help somebody and get the investment for years. Because it does it does them no. Good. And it does my business. No good. If they don't show up and pay me monthly every single month, I want them to pay me because I deserve it. I'm saving their life.
[00:12:42] And that's what I want traders to fucking understand is like we're on the front line of the fence. We prevent disease. We have the capability to be more important than a doctor,
[00:12:53] Dave: [00:12:53] So, do you see that? Do you see that being more of a, with the problem of say the work on example of people wanting to feel like they're. You [00:13:00] know, written into the ground. If they can't walk out of it, you think it's more of a prime on the trainer side of things or the, uh, the, uh, client side of things in terms of where they're seeking out, help.
[00:13:09] Matt: [00:13:09] well, let's reeducate them. If it is the client side and look, and I don't have, I've had that happen before that people come into me and they're like, and they're like, you know, I'm ready, you know? And I'm like, hold on. That's not that's, you know, we need rest. This is strength training. So we're gonna give you about a minute and a half to three minutes in between set.
[00:13:27] And they're like, and I go, where did you come from? All across it. Gotcha. And they don't know how to rest and they don't know how to repair. They don't know how to recover, you know? And, and I, I, they don't, they're not for me. They're just not, and I'll be like, I'm okay with that because this is not my model.
[00:13:45] And I don't believe in that model from FITO. And so if they play spread on the streets, across CrossFit, on every corner, or maybe I'm just not the right coach for them, but I think the coaches do have to hear them out. What do they want? You know, sell them the right program, but they might [00:14:00] not be the right person for them, but also you have to reeducate them on that.
[00:14:03] How's that working for you, Mary how's that working for you? How long have you been doing that? Oh, okay. And you don't want to sound like an asshole, but at the same time, it's like, Hey, let's try something different as you get, you keep getting injured and you're not losing body fat. What's the goal again?
[00:14:17] I'm sorry. I want you to go. Okay. Well, you came in here for a reason, you know, so let's, let's, let's try something different. So I do think, look, it is our society too. It's absolutely. I think people seek wet. They seek fatigue, they seek sort of soreness. Um, Nauseousness at times. And if they're don't have those things and that's where the education comes in, like it's not indicative of a positive workout.
[00:14:41] It's just not cam, are you going to be sore sometimes? Sure. I don't know. I'm like, I'm not trying to do it. I'm not trying to make people throw up. Can it happen? Sure. It can. But that's why I always say they're not talking about coaches. I'm like, listen, I want them to leave here saying I had a good time. I probably could have done a little bit more.
[00:15:00] [00:15:00] Cause guess what? I can always go up. If I go too far, I can't take it back. Right. So I'd rather them say that, that, you know, I'm a little conservative. I'd rather that because I'm like, cool. I noted. Gotcha. Appreciate the feedback. So now I can make adjustments to their programming, push them harder next time.
[00:15:20] And that's just communications with the client, the coach. But I think these days, most coaches are fairly uneducated. And you are simple as that. It's that if we talked about it before we started the recording, it's a saturated industry. Everybody's a fucking personal trainer and everybody's an expert.
[00:15:38] And then you go, Hey man, just curious. What's the last book you read? Huh? Last book mentor. I got a mentor. His last book was mentor certification, seminar workshop, mentorship. No, I'm a bodybuilder. I'm a bodybuilder. And I read muscle muscle, Muslim fiction magazine. And I don't, [00:16:00] what do you mean? They have no continuing education.
[00:16:02] They just got through three-day sir. They're trying to people in the park and that goes back to the consumer again, that comes back that's responsibility to consumers that are looking for a low price trader in the park. They do their due diligence and they say, hold on a minute, I got one body, one vehicle I get.
[00:16:19] I better ask some background. Hey, are you incorporated? Are you certified? Do you have any references? Do you have a resume? You have a website. Do you have any testimonials before and after pictures, like ask these questions. These are basic questions that you would ask any other professional in the world, any other, but they don't do it.
[00:16:41] Like when's the last time you'd been asked.
[00:16:44] Dave: [00:16:44] Unfortunately, not, not often enough, even with, you know, when we're in a field where we need our doctorate in physical therapy to treat people and people don't, people don't really seek out. They don't, don't really
[00:16:54] Matt: [00:16:54] they don't ask, but they would ask, you know, a lawyer, what school would you go to? [00:17:00] Probably, you know, so I think that's, and it's so I think that's why I'm so passionate about like the trainer is like kind of upping the standards of, of the charter and the industry. And so we can all kind of grow together.
[00:17:12] We get more respect out, you know, we need more respect. Because I do believe that we have this incredible impact on people's lives daily and we shouldn't take it lightly.
[00:17:23] Dave: [00:17:23] Yeah, very well said. And I think the, you know, for the coaches trainers listening, it's, it's elevating that it's not being okay with just making money. It's not being okay with just, you know, people are trusting us with their, with their lives and their livelihood. And to be able to like give the best to them is, is I think should be the minimum standard, not the exception to the rule and for the clients listening.
[00:17:46] You do have to go like ask around, seek, seek out different people. Don't just. Look at one person who might look good or might, you know, maybe physically be able to obtain those results, but can they actually coach you, coach you through that and do you, and this is [00:18:00] a thing for me. Yeah. The difference between a coach and a trainer, do you run into that all?
[00:18:03] Cause I see trainers as being anyone that can trainers can put together a workout, but to truly coach people as some of the changes involving mindset involving some of those different things, it sounds like that seems to be more in line with what do it at your gym. And do you see that being a problem in the, in the fitness industry?
[00:18:19] Matt: [00:18:19] Absolutely. And, and I'm starting to think back, like how, like what, I'm going to sound old when I say this, but like when I was in school before better magazine was, it was, it was just getting out there. So it had to be like 99, 1999. I started in 98. 99. I remember looking at him to perform a better magazine.
[00:18:45] And I was like, what? My mentor, my fourth, my first mentor taught me Kirk trader. And it was bodybuilding. You know, it was gold shin as bodybuilding approach. Um, I was in school. You don't learn shit in school, really. I mean, I learn learning program design at school. You don't really [00:19:00] know, but so, and then I got to know little Olympic lifting, but it's primarily, machine-based, uh, mixed with mixed with bodybuilding body part splits.
[00:19:08] And then. Paul check I've read it. And he lives in San Diego or he did, but Paul Chek probably changed my world on that, you know, and I dove into Paul's world as a check practitioner and a nutrition lifestyle coach. I went into, I went into deep and all that stuff that can do today. Um, and that his influence on me from an education standpoint and reading like I, and I'm not a reader.
[00:19:40] I'm not a good, I'm not a great reader. Like school was hard for me. I worked really hard in school. I was never a big reader, but at what fitness and exercise and health and, and Paul together, I fucking was in it. I went in and read it and all these books on from adrenal fatigue, [00:20:00] too, you know, uh, gluten intolerance too.
[00:20:03] Do you know, warmups and active recoveries, you know, it just. Very holistic approach to health versus just making somebody tired. I would say success leaves clues was a great quote because I, when I started learning like that, I'm like I sought after experts in different fields. Like John Berardi over here.
[00:20:27] The best quality over here and nutrition. I had, you know, Eric Cressey and Mike Robertson over here for recovery and stretching and mobility. And then, you know, I had this tree, I had this, these experts all over and I traveled to Canada and stayed with Paul Chek. And I'm sorry with Charles Pollock when he was out in Canada.
[00:20:44] And now with the Swiss symposium, I was in San Diego with check and I was performing better. I was taking workshops and seminars on, was seeking out places to go and learn. Mel Siff, whatever. I was like, so passionate and diving in, [00:21:00] and I don't see that anymore. And I don't know why that is if it's maybe because the forum better is more of a, I don't know.
[00:21:11] I don't know why, especially with the internet maybe. Cause it's too much now. Cause the internet that was before the internet, cause I'll say Paul Chek, people don't know who he is now. We're back in the day. It was so isolated. Like it was such a small group of experts that you kind of knew who they were.
[00:21:28] And now there's maybe, I don't know, but I find that most people are not in it educating themselves and they're not seeking out experts to learn and grow and create this ecosystem of, of health. Or it's not just about making somebody tired, but you know what, Mary, you didn't sleep last night. I can tell you're not feeling very well.
[00:21:48] Let's let's do some mobility today. You know, or how about this? I think you're better off going home and going back to bed. You know what I mean? Like, like they want to be told what to do. You're in [00:22:00] charge. You're the expert. Like Mary doesn't need a fucking hit battle rope session or sprint work on a treadmill.
[00:22:08] She needs. Recovery. Right. So when you had that toolbox full of these experts, you start to, you know, the old saying when everything, all you have is a hammer. Everything looks like a nail, or whenever they look sick, when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. So like I had this massive toolbox and I'm ready for whatever, but if I don't know, I say, Hey, I don't know.
[00:22:32] And I'll refer out. But for the most part, we need bigger toolbox. Can we need to be more quick.
[00:22:39] Dave: [00:22:39] Yeah. Do you think, I don't know. Or being able to say, I don't know, being able to admit, I don't know. And I'll go find it or being able to say, Hey, go home. Do you think there's some fear behind that, of that? They might go seek out a different trainer who will make them cause. There is that fear of, you know, some people, if they don't get the battle rope hit session from you though, and that's what they want.
[00:22:58] They'll go find it from someone.
[00:23:00] [00:23:00] Matt: [00:23:00] I mean, then you probably have the wrong client. You know what I mean? Like, I hate to say that, but cause it's always that, and I've changed my tune on that a little bit, because I used to say, you know, give them a little bit of what they want a lot of what they need. I'm still that way.
[00:23:15] But also you have to listen to the client sometimes too, and like, this is what they want, you know, like I'm not, I'm not for smashing people, but I, I learned this recently because he told me. I was at another gym. I've been to a couple of different gyms. Here's what I want. And, um, and no one wants to do it for me.
[00:23:38] They want to do what they want to do, but I'm paying you $150 an hour and I want to do what I wanted to do. And I was like, What do you want? You know what I mean? Like I can only go so far, you know what I mean? But I, so I think there's times where you have to, you gotta give a little bit too and put your ego aside and say, look, this versus pay me for [00:24:00] service, you know, but it can't go, you know, I'm not going to snap.
[00:24:03] I'm not going to go that far. Right. There's a, there's a polling so far. I'll go with that. But yeah, I think people are afraid to lose the money and it's COVID Tom right now too, is hard to find new clients. So sometimes you, you got up. Sometimes you gotta break, bend to bend a little bit.
[00:24:20] Dave: [00:24:20] Yeah. Uh, I love the, uh, you know, a little bit of what they want a lot of better what they need, but sometimes if they're very particular, you might have to start with a lot of, bit of what they want, but that's where the education you talked about earlier becomes so key if maybe given that up front and then showing them over time, like that's where the relationship comes in.
[00:24:37] And some of the things with find a good coach is that there's gotta be that relationship there. And I think that's what you keep alluding to as well. And I think that's probably the biggest piece of it.
[00:24:46] Matt: [00:24:46] Yeah. So from the mindset question, we kind of went on a tangent. I'm sorry about that.
[00:24:51] Dave: [00:24:51] It's good. It's good. But, uh, yeah, I guess bringing it back to mindset stuff. And you mentioned earlier, like people getting distracted from what weight loss is the goal, [00:25:00] but they want to say battle ropes. So they want a certain style of workout. And I know you mentioned this in one of your videos online, too, about like the one thing, and I'm all about that too, of what's, you know, what's the one thing you're actually focused on it in what do you see with people getting spread too thin with trying to do.
[00:25:14] Too much or trying to accomplish too much. And how do you bring them back to identifying and following through on that one thing?
[00:25:21] Matt: [00:25:21] Yeah, I think it comes back to coaching once again. Right. And just kind of having conversations, because look, part of what we do is, is if you're doing it the right way, if you want to have a longterm customer or you becoming a friend, you want, you want to create a friendship with this customer. At least I do.
[00:25:40] I don't want to be training somebody and I don't like them, you know, or not. And I think they're an asshole prod. They're probably not going to be good for me. So I think to have that friendship slash coach relationship where you can have conversations where you can check on, you got to have to check them sometimes, you know, you gotta be real like, [00:26:00] Hey, can, you know, can I, can I, uh, not be your friend right now?
[00:26:03] I'll be your coach for a second. You know, maybe you need to ask them, you know, do I have to ask permission? To be real with you right now, you know? And then you say, Hey man, you told me you wanted it. This was your month, you know? And you haven't been growing up, he canceled on me twice this month, or like, Hey, you've been your alcoholic.
[00:26:20] Your alcohol intake has been waiting too much. You're drinking your calories right now. You know how you know, drinking your calories, you know, what that does for you. So I think it's just like really diving in. On, you know, definitively knowing what the client wants and needs and then giving them that roadmap to get there.
[00:26:38] And, um, and then, and then having that, uh, the ability to have a real conversation with the clients and redirect them when they, when they come in is stray off. So sometimes people just need the, you know, what's, you know, like what is it, a boat without a rudder? I forgot the quote. Was it really good? A really good quote was basically like, just knowing where you want to go.
[00:26:59] And, and, and, [00:27:00] and from a mindset perspective, I always tell my clients like, listen, just expect that wind will knock you off. Course, life will get in the way sometimes, right. A storm will come. I'm not saying to focus on in no law of attraction stuff, focusing on negative acts happening life will happen, and you're going to have to redirect the boat and the coordinates reset the coordinates and reset the GPS.
[00:27:26] To get back to destinations right there. And then when we get there, we got to burn the boats. You know what I mean? And I love, I just love that quote and where it comes from. And, and, and, and because that's where most people really fuck up. And it's a crazy thing from a mindset perspective, know that people do get to their destination sometimes, and then they turn back. It's a weird. Mentality to have like, hold on a minute, we made it, what are we doing here? Let's keep going. Like, [00:28:00] we're not going back, but it happens all the time.
[00:28:02] Dave: [00:28:02] Well, what causes that? That's a, that's interesting. Yeah. That cause cause people get to their goals for a period of time. What keeps people from staying there?
[00:28:09] Matt: [00:28:09] That's funny. Yeah, because I posted that today. I posted something last night. Like when were you the bet? When were you in the best shape of your life? And I was seeing like, 2012, 2015, 1997. Like what the fuck now? I was like, Hey, I'm curious, what were you doing then? What, what were you doing to be noticed?
[00:28:31] And it was like, Oh, it's blah, blah, blah. You know, and then kids. Right. And then I got a real job where I was in the military. Like, like, I don't know. It's so it's such a. No, my mother-in-law's in the living room right now. She's lost 30 some pounds in the last eight weeks with me. She lost 40 with me, like five years ago, gained it all back.
[00:28:55] So it's, I don't know. Um, other than just [00:29:00] continuing to like, Talk to that. Subconscious, not dealing, not dealing with deep emotions, something in childhood. And sometimes I think it's scary too, because I've dealt with this with, especially in obesity and people that are really overweight is they use that layer of fat almost as a protective mechanism.
[00:29:20] It's almost like a armor. Like the HOD, right? So there's deep insecurities. And this is like way over my head, even though, you know, we were psychologists too. We would do that on the side during our sessions, but it's probably way over my pay grade. And then they start to shed this armor. And now people are recognizing that they're noticing them like, Mary's is incredible.
[00:29:45] Look at you, girl, what are you up for all that God, man. And they're like, Whoa. It it's scary. It's vulnerability it's and it's something that in their deep subconscious that it's it's [00:30:00] it's that, or it can be, we talked about it a little bit ago is like they can't maintain, they can't sustain the output and the discipline and how unrealistic their goal was.
[00:30:13] And I think that's a whole nother. Sidebar on that is like, why do you, why do you, you know, Oh, I ran six marathons. That's another one. Somebody on Facebook said six marathons. I've worked seven days a week and I go, that's not sustainable. Right? Like how sustainable is that? So once again, the all or nothing approach to that, I think most Americans take to fitness.
[00:30:37] Like, Hey, why don't we not give, be so hard on ourselves? And like, think about, look, this is forever. This is, this is. This is not going to stop on on Monday and they fall off the wagon and they go back to their old ways. Right. So I don't know, man. It's a, it's a really interesting conversation to have.
[00:30:56] Dave: [00:30:56] Yeah, super interesting. I think the, yeah, I think there's a lot of things [00:31:00] that go into it. I think the, you know, if we, with the mindset side of things, we keep preaching on, like, if you don't adapt. So say you're whether that's health, whether it's being 50 pounds lighter, whether it's, uh, having a certain amount of financial wealth, whether it's a career goal of starting a business it's if you don't.
[00:31:18] Improve and grow and adapt a new. Mindset, a new set of habits and disciplines. That is where you would have to, if you were 50 pounds lighter, if you were had X amount, more money than going to continue to come back to your, your habits and your things that are in place. And that's why 90 day challenges don't work.
[00:31:39] That's why, you know, six months, even new year's resolutions. That's why so many things fail. I think because people don't fully, it takes a long time to let your mindset catch up to maybe some of the physical results that you've seen.
[00:31:51] Matt: [00:31:51] And another one I thought was interesting, like change your personality to change your current reality. Like you have to change who you are. [00:32:00] Like I, and you're talking about learned behavior is grandmother to mother, mother to daughter, right. Or deeper, further back or eating habits. Uh, geographical location, location of where you, where the food quality X socioeconomic backgrounds you're talking about.
[00:32:18] Changing of that. That's who they are as a person. That's what they've eaten as the way they live. They're sedentary, this that, uh, they lived their life a certain way. Like you're telling someone they have to not be themselves. Right. And that's the only way you reversed someone's situation. Cause you can't it.
[00:32:39] Yeah. Person anymore. It's not working for you. Either accept it, which I don't think you should, if you're unhappy where you are. Right. But you have to literally change. And that comes from me too. Right? If I'm making bad decisions is the definition of insanity. Like I have to like figure out how to be a different person.
[00:32:55] I have to change that part of me completely. And it's scary and it's very [00:33:00] difficult because you get good at doing shit bad. Right? That's like the, you know, the set of principle. It's not, it's not only in. Exercise, right. It's it's not only, you know, or, or sitting down too much. You get good at sitting down.
[00:33:17] That's not good. If you get really good at sitting down right, or good, or, you know, cigarettes like weed or drinking alcohol, you know, that whole theory of it. The second principle is like, you get good at drinking two bottles of two, two beers. You're going to need three to get the same effect you used to get before.
[00:33:34] The same thing happens in bad habits. You get really good at doing things bad. And then, and then you're just, just this cycle. That's that refund. Why Matt is very difficult to change who you are. And you've got to have some support and a coach, which is most of the time lacking to no one, no one would ask for help.
[00:33:54] Dave: [00:33:54] Yeah, don't try it. Don't try and do it alone. And that's cause it is scary to change identity when you've been tied to something [00:34:00] for so long. And we're not, I think people need to hear though that you're not, you are not tied to your current identity and that can be scary because it's like, I, but I am this.
[00:34:09] I am, you know, my friends and I, we always go out and get drinks. My. Yeah, we always go out and spend, spend this way or shop whatever you want to say. It's like you get attached to those things and think that I have to do that to maintain friendships, to maintain relationships and maintain these things.
[00:34:25] Matt: [00:34:25] Yes.
[00:34:26] Dave: [00:34:26] with that gets into a tough thing that goes again beyond our pay grade of, well, then you have to make the decision of either your friends will support you. If this is something that if you're not happy where you're at and you need to make a change,
[00:34:37] then. Yeah, change your friends or have to at least change the dynamic of those friendships.
[00:34:42] And.
[00:34:43] Matt: [00:34:43] your environment. Yeah. I mean, they'll be never, it's so funny because in our world too, and it's a hard conversation with somebody, like, especially with somebody that's obese, I've had that conversation. I'm like, listen, if you're an alcoholic, Like my advice, you would be [00:35:00] not to hang out with other alcoholics.
[00:35:02] So your friend that you go out with for taco Tuesdays, who's obese just like you. That's for sure. He's good for you right now. Might need to take a break from that relationship. You know what I mean? So that's kind of like, and there are a lot, you know, I always say out of sight, out of mind, right? There's these tricks, like, why is it in the house, Mary?
[00:35:25] Like what's the ice cream doing there right now. Like, get it out of the house. You won't eat it. You're in charge. You buy the groceries, like stop bringing it into the fucking house. Right. It's the same thing. When it comes to environment, like you may have to change your entire environment and that entails maybe looking at friendships and being really real with your friends saying, here's my goal.
[00:35:46] Like you said, have a conversation. And if they're your friends, they're going to help you towards that goal. Maybe they'll even jump on board with you and do the same thing with you. But if they're not cool with that, [00:36:00] and they're not your friends in the first place, but yeah.
[00:36:04] Dave: [00:36:04] Yeah, I think that's important for it. Cause some people will be like, well, it's harsh to have to get rid of friends. And I think he said, there's any value. It's not cutting them out of your life. But if you have the opportunity to be a positive influence on them too, it might be Hey. Instead of going to taco Tuesday, encourage, you know, something active, encourage cooking dinner at home, like there's plenty of other ways to maintain a friendship and take someone along the ride with you too.
[00:36:25] They might, I'm sure they needed as well.
[00:36:28] Matt: [00:36:28] Right. Support system is everything too, right? Always, always. No. I have a, I have a group of 700 people on it and, um, that we support and we inspire and we don't use zoom. We have a zoom meeting tonight at 8:00 PM. So this group is very empathetic and compassionate and they're positive and they all lift each other.
[00:36:47] And they, and I've heard from numerous, numerous of them that have gone through weight Watchers and gone through Jenny Craig's and gone through this diet that they'd like this because they feel they're a part of something. Right. [00:37:00] CrossFit CrossFit has done a really good job with that. They create a community.
[00:37:04] And that's what I do with my people too. And it helps them cause you're seeing people go through same, same experiences they are, and they're seeing people like, wow, Mary, you did it also. I want to, I want to be where you're at. What are you doing? It's like, okay, all of success leaves clues, but yeah, I think that's a big one.
[00:37:21] Big, a great plus for some people that they're not taken advantage of is having help and having asking friends to go to start a walking. Walk every night and it's walk every night after dinner, you know, bring some friends in for support. Um, yeah, I mean all these little, uh, little liberal packs, you know, to help people stay on track,
[00:37:42] Dave: [00:37:42] Yeah, it was great. And the lot, a lot of good recommendations within that. And I mentioned community and we both agree. That's such a big thing. Why does everyone need a coach as well? I think that's another big thing. And that's, that's one of your. Pillars within your guys. You guys jam
[00:37:55] Matt: [00:37:55] two
[00:37:56] Dave: [00:37:56] pillar to pillar two.
[00:37:58] Why? Why is, why is coaching so [00:38:00] important along with all this.
[00:38:02] Matt: [00:38:02] I mean, I think a bottom line is people don't know what to do. This is, you know, we went to school for this. This is our passion. This is like, you're taking this car right here. This vehicle into the mechanic. Like you need to go to an experienced mechanic. I mean, why do you, why would you think you could do it on your own?
[00:38:19] That's a better question for people like you, you pay somebody to do your hair, you pay somebody to do work on your car. You pay somebody to do your taxes. You're seeking out professionals to, uh, and pay them to help them, help you solve a problem. Like, why wouldn't you do that with your own body and reaching a fat loss goal or getting healthy?
[00:38:40] Like it's just another educator re-education situ uh, you know, opportunity, I think for trainers is that they know and understand that it's an investment to, like, I am expensive. You damn right. I'm expensive. Cause I'm good. I solve problems. I say, I saved people's lives. I shouldn't pay like a lawyer. You know what?
[00:38:59] I'm going to up my [00:39:00] rates today. I just think I need a pay increase of my pay today, but no, but I do think we're valuable. And I think, um, that, you know, they're just going to continue to spin the wheels if they don't ask for help eventually, because there, because there's just. They can't do it alone. They don't have any knowledge of exercise, selection, reps, and sets and tempo and loading and recovery and sleep and stress that they like.
[00:39:26] Everyone needs an accountant and they're lacking accountability. They're not only lacking coaching, they're lacking accountability of blueprint plus the community. I mean, so it's like, there's so many factors that will keep somebody consistent. And you know, how many people are in the gym right now, trying to do it by themselves.
[00:39:43] And they're trying to reinvent the wheel, like stop doing what you think will work and do what's proven to work. You don't know, you don't have that knowledge, so you have to seek it.
[00:39:52] Dave: [00:39:52] Yeah, I love it. And I, uh, yeah, um, I'm a big fan in some ways of self experimentation and trying to figure it out. But if you're spinning your wheels and you're not getting the [00:40:00] results you're after I think of. All key areas of my life, but like periods of health and fitness, seeking out a trainer for help or coach that I need to work with, helping with programming, helping with seeing my movement have Seeked out docs for stress management, sleep things have a busy business coach.
[00:40:16] We work with regularly to help with the side of things. And the more you figure out is. You can, you can experiment. You can do that, but if you want to get there faster, if you want to get there with less headaches, or if you're finding that you're not, you try the self experimentation, you tried doing it on your own.
[00:40:29] It's just not working at some point, you gotta say, Hey, I need help in this area. And I need to find someone who can fill that
[00:40:35] Matt: [00:40:35] Right. Absolutely. I mean, it'd be like, if you're a business owner and you go ask advice from someone that just failed in business, right. I'm that bad analogy during this time, but you want to seek out somebody that's been successful and say, Hey, can I have a conversation? Where can I take you to lunch or cannot pay you for your time?
[00:40:58] So now that's what I did [00:41:00] with mentors. And, and, you know, and you're seeking out people that have already proven to, to have what you want. Like, I don't why, like, they've already went through the they've already failed guarantee. If somebody is really successful, they've already made a ton of mistakes. They failed numerous times.
[00:41:18] Like they, they, and they made it like, wow, they did it. So why would you, I mean, don't, don't reinvent the wheel, go over this guy, like skip all the mistakes, skip all that and just go to somebody that's already done it for you. You know, it's just going to get there faster. So yeah, when it comes to the health and fitness people, and just need to understand that, you know, is one vessel that they're carrying around is so important.
[00:41:41] They deserve more. And that's where we talked about this earlier as like some people don't even take a step forward because they think. That they don't have what it takes, but it think they can't do it because they've failed so many towns before where they think, uh, you know, I can't eat five to six meals a day, or I can't do [00:42:00] meal prep or I can't work out six days a week.
[00:42:02] So they do nothing at all. Right. And this comes back to the trainer, right? Because most trainers and social media and, and, and, and Instagram, whatever they do make it hard for people. They're confused. And that's where we come in. It's like, Hey, let's simplify, simplify this, make it easy. So you can say you can do this safely and consistently for the rest of your life versus seven days a week.
[00:42:30] You should work on a seven days a week. Let's go, Mary, let's go. Did you do meal prep? Did you, did you, did you cook on Sunday? How many? Where's your Tupperware? Where's your gallon of water are like, fuck. These are real people. Like, they're not bodybuilders, like, so why do you treat everybody like a fucking body builder?
[00:42:49] So like, it all kind of comes down into that somewhere too. Cause like we have to just make it easier for them people too. So they can't reach out and they're not intimidated by the [00:43:00] process. Most people are scared. They're scared to change. They're scared to do new things. They're scared of, of failure. You know, and that's why traders need that deep, empathetic, and they need to educate more and smile and not be so intimidating and less is more.
[00:43:18] Dave: [00:43:18] Yeah, and I love that. And I think probably a lot of people off of what you're saying too, is that people think that they have to. Go all the way to take the first step means that they have to go all the way. And it's like, you don't have to commit to six meals and meal prep and weigh and everything.
[00:43:32] Right? There's a big range between you can get as dialed in as you want, or you can be on the other side of that and still get results. You know, if your goal isn't to be, you know, to compete in bodybuilding, it's like, you can still look pretty darn good. You can still feel really good. And do that without nearly the time that you think is invested in.
[00:43:51] Do you have the right coach, the right mindset behind it?
[00:43:53] Matt: [00:43:53] And this is a great analogy I caught and I got this from a Jordan Belfort. I think it's excellent. It carries over in the [00:44:00] fitness. It's called a water line test or the water line analogy. And ironically, I had somebody who's like, Matt on the scale is not moving. I'm getting I'm really depressed. I'm really frustrated.
[00:44:12] This is where a coach comes in. This is what I did. And I say, okay, Hey, I want you to take a piece of paper out. And I want you to write down everything positive, everything positive it's been going on in the last six weeks since we've been together, has nothing to do with the scale we call these non scale winds or non scale victories.
[00:44:31] It's like, I don't know, man. I'm just so frustrated. I'm like, Hey, calm down, calm down. Get a piece of graph paper up. I want you to write down everything. Tell me, tell me some good things. Non scale victories. Well, energy's picked up. I'm sleeping better. Um, my libido has really gotten better by acid reflux, totally gone.
[00:44:51] Uh, I used to have a distended belly. It's better. I'm not as bloated as I used to be. Uh, I'm riding my bike every day. Now getting 10,000 steps, [00:45:00] three days a week gets a plus. Um, I mean, Oh, I went and got blood work, the LDLs down, which are, this rads are down and they rattle off a hundred fucking things on a piece of paper.
[00:45:11] And these are things. That you can't see above the water yet. Think about an iceberg coming through the water. It hasn't broken through yet. I know they want to see the iceberg. They want to see the scale move. Right. But it hasn't come through where they, they don't realize all the plus all the how awesome, how big the iceberg actually is below the water law.
[00:45:33] Right. And it hasn't come through yet. And that's what, a lot of times, people, we need to have a conversation with them. They can see like, hold on a minute. You're doing amazing. You're doing amazing. Just keep going. We're just having, we haven't broke through the water yet. Don't give up yet. Most people give up too soon and realize all the little things they can't see on scale and they can't even maybe see it in URI.
[00:45:56] Maybe the clothes are fitting better too. A lot of times that happens, the scale is not moving, [00:46:00] but how your clothes they're better. They're feeling better than ever. I'm like, Whoa, what are you upset about? Like your body's changing. We're moving in the right direction. Sure. Here you're losing visceral fat or gaining lean muscle mass.
[00:46:12] So this, this comes back to mindset to kind of always goes back to mindset and also coach recognizing. Well that they need to do. They need to explain to them people about physiology. Now, how it's I always say change happens internally before it takes place externally. So it's an awesome opportunity to educate your clients on, um, on the importance of consistency.
[00:46:35] Keep going, keep going. It'll come. It'll happen.
[00:46:39] Dave: [00:46:39] yeah, so much good stuff in that last couple of minutes there you're at, you're talking about, and I think it's important for people to. Have got realistic expectations, call it, you know, committing to the process. I think there's, you know, go in with a, set, a number on it. Say like give it more than you think it's going to take.
[00:46:55] If you think it's going to take three months, be like, Hey, I'm going to stick this out for six months, no matter what [00:47:00] and commit to the. Process of it over the outcome of it. And I think that's where a lot of people fall short is like you said, they're three months in, they're not seeing the results. They haven't hit their scale goal yet.
[00:47:09] So they're like, well, this isn't working when really they're they're right there. Yeah.
[00:47:14] Matt: [00:47:14] They go back to their old ways and, and what I just said it to the, to the listener out there, understand what I just said, had nothing to do with seven days a week and nothing to do with meal prep, eating six, seven meals a day, had nothing to do with excessive intensity, had nothing to do with, you know, just the typical trainer advice, zero that is eating real food, right.
[00:47:40] That is thought snacking. That's walking a daily, you know, Hey, give me 15 minutes a day walking, give me two days a week of weight training, increase your water intake. You can get incredible results very fast without smashing somebody without [00:48:00] making them throw up and without making them sore for five days.
[00:48:02] And without, you know, just, just really depressing somebody. And, and, and you can create a positive relationship with fitness with somebody, if you just do it the right way.
[00:48:13]Dave: [00:48:13] Yeah. And if people want to know, like how many days a week should I work out? It's like it, I mean, it depends, but probably not as much as you think, if your goal is purely weight loss and feeling good, it's like, it really doesn't take as much as you, as you think it does.
[00:48:25] Matt: [00:48:25] Nope. It doesn't. Then you could still have a cookie on Sunday, right? You can still have your pancakes on Saturday morning. You can still have a bowl of pasta with your wife and a glass of wine on Friday. Right? This comes back. There will be said all or nothing approach. It all comes back to that. And there's something ingrained in the human genome somehow that, uh, it's just difficult.
[00:48:48] It's just, they want their results so fast that that's where the coach comes in because it's our job to set them straight, you know? Hey, Hey Sally, can I, can I, can I be your [00:49:00] coach right now? Now your friends got permission to be weird with you. We got this relaxed. You don't want. Amazing. Right now we see more time.
[00:49:09] We used more time. Let's go, come on. We've got goals to hit. Let's get it, you know? And so it, you know, it's just, uh, it's, it's, it's liberating. It's liberating to clients when they hear that, because they put pressure on themselves thinking they need to be doing, doing a certain amount or acting a certain way.
[00:49:29] Um, and when they don't, they feel like, here we go again, this is, this is how it is. And I'm like, no, it's not how it is. That's you are doing it wrong before. Yeah. You had unrealistic expectations every time you tried before you had the wrong coach before and now you've got the right coach and the right message and the right expectations.
[00:49:47] We're going to stay and we're going to stick with it.
[00:49:49] Dave: [00:49:49] Yeah. And being able to reframe that for them. I think that's where people don't know that I can't, I want to reach this goal in two months and we have to, as coaches be able to say, That's like this, this is 12 [00:50:00] months. Like let's commit to 12 months of this. This is not a two month goal. Cause if people think that, then they think the extremes have to happen.
[00:50:06] They think the all or nothing, they end up burning out and falling short, but we need to paint that realistic picture. And even if you know, you're going to work with a coach, you know, stretch out your goal a little long, like it's okay to. Not be, if you're not district type, if you want the cookie on the weekends and the pancakes and stuff, like just know it's going to take you longer to get there.
[00:50:25] And you're going to have to trade off in some other areas, but picking what's picking what's important and being okay with slow progress over time.
[00:50:32] Matt: [00:50:32] Yeah. And I think we'll know your client. Like I don't work with body bodybuilder prep, you know what I mean? Like that's not my, that's not my niche. So people know that like if I, if I take a 40 pound overweight lawyer and, and I can change their life, I mean quickly take 10 pounds off of the email. Is that the big fucking deal?
[00:50:57] A big deal. You know, I got my father in law [00:51:00] in there right now and he's lost 20 pounds. He's like, yeah, I'm out of hip, my hip and lower back. Don't bother me anymore. He only lost 20 pounds and he's like, my GERD is gone. It's totally gone. I haven't taken any predecessor three weeks, man. I'm like I told you it would work and he's not killing himself.
[00:51:19] In fact, it doesn't work out at all. He doesn't work at all, but mother-in-law barely works out. You don't have to fucking kill yourself at the gym. It's most of the time it's like what happens outside the gym, trying to get people to do those people show up and I'm like, look, you're good inside, but you screw up when you leave.
[00:51:37] Let's take care of what happens when you leave this gym today. Cause like we're wasting our time. You put way too much emphasis on exercise and that's another cop, another conversation with, but I always have to go there as a gym owner. Like, listen, I want you here. Oh, we got to take care of what's most important and it's in the kitchen and it's in the bedroom when you go to sleep and it's [00:52:00] when you leave those doors, but it doesn't have to be, you don't have to kill yourself to get results.
[00:52:05] And like I said, 10, 15 pounds do so much positive things. Yeah. Someone's body that they, like I said, that somebody needed, we need to get that word out, you know, and that message isn't clear.
[00:52:19] Dave: [00:52:19] Yeah, I agree. I love it. I think everyone could benefit from, from hearing that because that's, you know, that's, that's where most people are at and that's where at least as a starting point, even if your longterm goal is, you know, if you have more to lose with 50 or a hundred pounds, it's like start with the first 15, like, you'll be surprised at how much better you feel with something like that.
[00:52:36] Even.
[00:52:38] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's also a good Matt and I want to, you know, there's a lot of, a lot of good stuff to take away from there. When I transition into, into the end here, I know, I think we have a, about four separate podcasts. We can side, uh, go onside side topics and tangents on, but yeah, no, that's, that's great staff.
[00:52:53] As we transition to the end here, a couple of questions I ask all the guests here and, uh, you know, when I approached you about the podcast too, and trying to be a [00:53:00] place where I can just be real and vulnerable with people, and I think it's a fitting time now with all the. COVID stuff going on as a gym owner.
[00:53:06] I know things are, you know, we're just, we're, we're figuring things out just as much as everyone else's, but I think the. No, the appearance from the outside, I've seen successful business owners, seeing someone who's fit, seeing someone who's accomplished so much, it's easy. Yeah. Yeah. Look at that and be like, Oh, you've got it all together.
[00:53:21] You always got to figure you're coaching other people. You're always giving so much that you must have all the answers, which you and I would both be. The first to admit is definitely not the case. And couldn't be, couldn't be further from the truth. But if you don't mind being real with listeners of a challenge, you're currently going through a challenge you face in the past, that ended up being a, a major catalyst for your growth as a man.
[00:53:42] Matt: [00:53:42] Yeah. Uh, trying to do too much probably was my biggest. And it's put me where I am right now. Like before we got a record on this, I was telling you about my second brick and mortar, but, um, I'm reading a book right now called, uh, the business [00:54:00] of one. And it's interesting. I haven't gotten all the way through it, but it's interesting about like, you know, just being okay with less.
[00:54:07] Being okay. You know, cause I'm not an orange theory, you know, I don't have corporate money. I don't have, I'm not going to have multiple franchises. And I do at one time think about franchising, primal fit. Um, but I remember being in 1400 square feet and with, with 30 people in the room and I was like, man, this is awesome, but I want to help more people.
[00:54:32] It's it's tight in here. And I want to do something bigger. I want to do a health or do I wanted to do a health center? I wanted to that movement, recovery, cryo stretch therapy, nutrition. I wanted to have this ecosystem, this, this, this community driven, um, one stop shop for health and fitness, and I need to go bigger.
[00:54:55] And that was the biggest mistake I ever made. Biggest mistake I ever made. So, [00:55:00] um, I, Hey, I went there, I tried it and, and I failed, you know, um, but I went to 5500 square feet. I got in debt on a build out to make it all happen. Um, I had 11 people on my staff. My payroll was through the roof. Um, I was, uh, scattered and, uh, in a fight or flight.
[00:55:27] Trying to make it all work and trying to pay rent and try to pay coaches and try to do privates and try to keep my, and try to do small group personally, I was doing so much and you ended up taking yourself off the floor and that's where your strike. My strength is. That is all on the floor and coaching.
[00:55:42] And I'm not who had, hadn't been work and not doing things I'm not happy doing desktop. And I always say, you know, focus double down on your strengths. No, I don't, I don't, I'm not a big fan of that, you know, work on your weaknesses. I think people didn't should double down on their strengths and hire [00:56:00] someone to work on their weaknesses on something.
[00:56:02] Maybe they're really good at something they enjoy, but I was just doing jobs that I wasn't fit to do. And I'm kind of lost control of, of what was going on in that ecosystem. There's too much going on. So, uh, ended up leaving. Uh, cause I couldn't pay, I couldn't do it anymore. Cause they rent now what smaller and I'm down to 3000, 2,500 square feet right now.
[00:56:24] And um, it's uh, it is, it is a sweet spot. It's smaller. It's, it's intimate, it's warm and I'm helping less people. But I had my sanity. Right. Um, before COVID I'm able to pay the rent, I'm able to make payroll. I'm still serving people at a higher level. I'm on the floor. It's just me and one coach. Right. So I feel like, and not to, uh, tell people out there not to go for it and traffic, traffic things take [00:57:00] risks, but that was, that was a big risk that I took.
[00:57:03] And, you know, I don't, I don't regret it, but it put me in a position where, um, No, I don't, it'll be, I'll be in the hole for a look for a while longer. It was a mistake I made that we'll have repercussions for a couple more years from a financial standpoint. And I guess, so the re what I should have done was listened to my wife.
[00:57:26] Okay. So a word of advice out there to all you guys, not 99% of the time. Your wife is correct. You should just go. Yes, honey. You're right. And I do my wife. Who's wonderful and has supported me, but I put, I put my marriage, do a lot of stress and I put my relationship with my daughter not being called and not being present for far too long.
[00:57:52] It's difficult when you're a business in a small business, um, to be present, but I was in a Firefly every [00:58:00] day. And I was never present cause I was just, I was always struggling to get above, to get my head above the water. And my wife said, I think you should. I think you should stay small and just, and just start a waiting list.
[00:58:14] And I remember her saying that and I didn't listen. I wanted to go bigger. So my that's mine. That's definitely a lesson learned there that I, that's a hard lesson to learn, to stay small and just be really good. You really good at what you do in a small space and that's it. Listen to your wife.
[00:58:38] Dave: [00:58:38] You get two good things there. Yeah, no, I really appreciate sharing that, man. That's a good advice for a lot of people that, you know, a lot of people listen striving for more and that could be health. That can be career-driven. That can be so many things, but. Don't sacrifice what matters most those relationships in your life.
[00:58:54] Those things that, uh, you know, those, those, the business mistakes can be, can be [00:59:00] replaced. The financial stuff will, you know, we'll catch up and get back to act even. And the lessons learned from him and hopefully be, hopefully be great, but don't, don't sacrifice those things that matter so much.
[00:59:09] Matt: [00:59:09] I mean, look, we, the whole moral of today's talk, it seemed to have been. Less is more, you know, and that if I'm on the phone on a new, calmer or fitness, you know, a person walking into your gym to your own business, your own life, um, more is not necessarily the better.
[00:59:29] Dave: [00:59:29] Damn. I love it. I mean, less is more stood out to me. Consistency over intensity. Evolve or dissolve with everything going on. I think a lot of good, simple things that it doesn't have to be. It doesn't have to be this huge grand huge goal that you said, and like, just keep, keep at it daily, whatever that is.
[00:59:46] You're striving for.
[00:59:48] Matt: [00:59:48] Absolutely. Yeah, man. Yeah. Good, good nuggets. Good session today, Matt enjoyed this.
[00:59:52] Dave: [00:59:52] Yeah, you still, you're not off the hook just yet. You got one more hypothetical scenario. So we say, uh, you might've already answered this, but I'll make you say it again. So last thing [01:00:00] ask people is say you leaving your favorite coffee shop in town, your favorite restaurant, or wherever you, you enjoy going.
[01:00:05] And you bumping your younger self of 10 years back. So you only have 60 seconds to talk with them. You got an important class and clients to work with all day. What advice are you giving to them? And what are you saying to younger Matt?
[01:00:16] Matt: [01:00:16] Yeah, uh, leave you put your ego to the side, you know, put your ego to the side and, um, Be happy where you're at, you know? Aye, aye, aye. And I've still got to be better at that. I still have to be okay. You know, with what I have right now, which is wonderful. I have a roof over my head. I eat organic food. I shop at a Bush up.
[01:00:38] My, my, my need is from a butcher up the street. You know, we have lights on like these incredible things that we sometimes take for granted. Um, I'm doing good. And sometimes I'm always reaching. For another project. Um, so I, I would say focus, focus on what's important, which is family and [01:01:00] children and, uh, being content.
[01:01:03] You know, I hate to say that like the content, but, you know, because I do want people to take chances and I do want people to strive for more. But ask your wife, ask your wife what you should do.
[01:01:20] Dave: [01:01:20] The words of wisdom across it all. I don't think, I don't think content and I think content and striving have to be two separate things though. I think you can stay content and. Strive for more. I think those are the, they have some push and pull, but I don't think that says, I don't think anything is all or nothing in that sense of, I don't think you have to be content doesn't mean, you know, sitting on the couch and hoping good things happen.
[01:01:41] I think there's a good, a good, a balance that can be found with both those
[01:01:45] Matt: [01:01:45] yeah. I agree. I agree.
[01:01:48] Dave: [01:01:48] sweet man has been, it's been a blast. I appreciate sharing knowledge. Where can people find you? Where can they reach out to you? If anyone's looking to get ahold of you?
[01:01:55] Matt: [01:01:55] Uh, mostly on Facebook a little bit on Instagram, but, uh, Matt pack on Facebook, uh, primal [01:02:00] fit. Miami is the name for my gym in Miami. I'm on Instagram that promo at Miami websites, prom@miami.com. So I'm out there. I'm trying to stay out there and it's a whole, another job. Hold another job, social media, but it's something I'm working, working on.
[01:02:14] Dave: [01:02:14] Yeah, YouTube channel coming together too. Right? You got some videos up
[01:02:17] Matt: [01:02:17] I got y'all. I've been, I got downloads of videos on YouTube from years ago, but, um, yeah, and my online coaching really taken off, um, which I did, YouTube has a ton of videos on there for the online coaching, but I'm still out there changing lives and trying to stay in front of the public. I want to help people continue to, to get, to continue to make things simpler.
[01:02:40] That's the goal.
[01:02:42] Dave: [01:02:42] That's awesome, man. Yeah, change lives and keep adding, man. I really appreciate you getting out here and sharing that, sharing that info with us.
[01:02:49] Thanks so much for listening to today's episode of the manmade for more podcasts, hope you found today's show valuable and you have some actionable strategies you can apply to your [01:03:00] life today. This is your first time listening. Thanks for being here. The aim of this podcast is to provide a ton of the best possible content to help you grow in your journey, to becoming the best version of yourself.
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[01:03:46] Keep challenging yourself growing and know that it's okay to get out of your comfort zone and know that you're made for more. Thanks for listening and see you guys soon.